Almost the whole web now knows that the PC version of Crysis 2 has been leaked and is now available almost wide-open for download on torrent servers.
Electronic Arts decided to throw out random accusations for the PC community, and once again they pulled the piracy excuse on that specific platform, seeking true fan’s support.
The reason why I think EA deliberately leaked the Crysis 2 PC beta is; if you search Crysis 2 on Google, first results will be EA’s website, second query is the “Crysis 2 leaked” blog title on the publisher's webpage. Well here is the biggest puzzling question.
Why on earth would a game publisher publicly advertise and point out that a major game like Crysis 2 has been leaked?
It’s like EA is telling people “my yet to be released product is available for free”, and “you can look it up if you want”, “Oh!!, Btw did I mention it’s on torrents”. I mean for god’s sake, although that’s not what is literally written in EA’s statement, it doesn’t take a wild guess to figure out that EA is seeking some major attention.
Electronic Arts and Crytek are playing the sympathy cards right here, yes the Beta is buggy as hell and have loads of missing textures and whatnot (not because I tried it, that’s what people are reporting), but if you actually take a look at youtube, you can see that initial videos show Crysis 2 running on the good ol’ DirectX9, still, the PC shooter looks bloody amazing on that 10-year old API.
Nevertheless, why EA didn’t report the PC Crysis 2 videos on YouTube? There’s even the first twenty-five something minutes long footage of Crysis 2 all over the sharing site. Yes, it’s all part of a plan, the game looks amazing, they kept the DX9 videos, which show that even a beta is doing more than good. Plus, a leak like this will most probably make the company earn even more publicity and sympathy from the community. Hence, more sold copies.
Remember the Half-Life 2 leak? Yes, the game was publicly leaked months before its planned release. The leak pushed the game’s launch day extra more months until late 2004. Well, the point is the incident didn’t stop HL2 to become the best-selling PC title, reaching 12 million copies milestone to date.
To be honest, I wish Crytek all the best; they’re a bunch of talented people who pushed gaming to another level. Cry Engine has beasty technical real-time visuals, and games like Far Cry and Crysis aren’t just benchmarking video games, they already set a standard for each generation.
whatever man
ReplyDeleteConspiracy! Right on man! Here's the conspiracy formula--Problem | Reaction | Solution. If you want a specific solution, all you have to do is create a specific problem. The reaction is key. A solution that would cause an uproar is now heralded and praised. Example: intrusive DRM. Nobody likes intrusive DRM. So what do we do about it? The suits at EA sit around sipping coffee and say - let's leak a buggy BETA. People will download it like crazy. Oh and let's make sure that nobody can save their game because then it's like playing a glorified demo. THEN we can whine about it - "Oh alas, woe is us! We are victims of pirates!" REACTION: AWwww poor Crytek and EA. SOLUTION: Intrustive DRM is now understood and accepted instead of protested and rejected. GG EA.
ReplyDeletewhy is your font all Italic?
ReplyDelete"Why on earth would a game publisher publicly advertise and point out that a major game like Crysis 2 has been leaked?"
That is stupid!
Google displays the current Hot topic and the most clicked or hit pages and displays them as early results.
"Nevertheless, why EA didn’t report the PC Crysis 2 videos on YouTube? There’s even the first twenty-"
Yea...this makes sense!
Also I believe it is to fill the PC fanboy rages due to them outragged about Xbox 360 Multiplayer demo and PC/Ps3 being left out.
ReplyDeleteText solved.
What I wrote doesn't mean it has to be the truth, but it still is one logical theory, though.
I think it is entirely feasible, considering the BETA is as buggy as it is (reported to be) one month before the release let alone the date Crysis 2 goes gold. Saved games don't work? Constant crashes? Give me a break. That doesn't sound like 2-3 weeks away from release candidate. Of course if they announce a delay soon ... that's a whole other conspiracy theory.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry, but I just wouldn't be surprised if EA did something like this on purpose even without Crytek's knowledge.
Let's start with a little bit of history xBox 360 for you. If you will go way back in your mind and remember that the xBox 360 is a sixth generation video game by Microsoft. This group of games was known as the 128-bit era game consoles.
ReplyDeletehumble bundle