Killzone3, Twisted Metal,Yakuza 4,Ratchet and Clank: All 4 one, Sly Collection,
and much more...Yet Sony made a decision, they'll actually reveal a new PS3 exclusive title on December the 12th..The revealing will be the day after Spike TV’s game awards. Its going to be important enough for Sony to hold its own event for the game on 2PM PST on Sunday, December 12th..
Is it an internal developer in Sony, or Sony might be working with a third-party developer exclusively for the PS3?? Now most of us will probably wonder what the game could be??
probably "Uncharted 3" , "God of War 4", "Sly4"?? probably a "FFVII remake"??
or even a new IP, we have to wait and see.
GT6 :P>>??