Naughty Dog's creative director Ann Henning hinted about the theme of deception being played out multiple ways, starting from Drake doing the deceiving himself, then Drake being deceived to some unknown deception about Drake's identity.
EW explained how the new story will focus on Drakes relationship with his mentor and father figure,Victor Sullivan. Moreover, Drake's quest searching for a lost legendary city will take him to the Arabian region - specifically to the vast wasteland of the Rub’ al Khali Desert - also known as the Empty Quarter.
Despite the fact that this title seems like it'll take place in the desert, EW stated how they witnessed some other environments featured different from the deserted landscapes.
The game will introduce several new gameplay modes such as enhanced backward climbing and ability to fight multiple baddies at once - it was also revealed how there are plans to expand Uncharted's online multiplayer and co-op capabilities.
“We want to take on the big boys of the multi-player genre,” says Naughty Dog’s Wells, “It has become something here at Naughty Dog that will become an important part to all our games.”

Source:Entertainment Weekly